Big annual networking roundtable 4 August

The meeting promises to be chock full of ideas you can use to be a more effective researcher or break down brick wall problems, according to program chair Yolanda Campbell Lifter. She suggests that each member bring at least one item to tell the group.
The meeting will be held at 10 a.m., Saturday, 4 August 2007 at the Polk County Historical and Genealogical Library, 100 E. Main St., Bartow. It will be preceded by a Chapter board meeting at 8:30 a.m. and followed by an optional lunch at a nearby restaurant. Members and guests are welcome to attend all events. The library has one of the largest genealogical and historical collections in the Southeast, so you might want to fit in some research after lunch. The library normally closes at 5 p.m. But call ahead for any schedule changes at (863) 534-4380.
"Our roundtable discussions of professional issues, websites, resources, and other topics have been some of our most lively meetings with everyone participating," says Chapter president Jean Kelley, CG. Some of the tips given have been worth hours of driving to the meeting, other members have said.
Lifter suggest that you talk about tips, successes, and problems in areas such as conferences, classes, articles, books, databases, websites, research, organization, business, organizations, or goals. Or, she says tell us "How have you grown as a genealogist over the past year?"