Setting our Senses on Pre-1850 Census

We did things in reverse order from our normal meeting - our speaker made her presentation first, followed by the business meeting.
The speaker, Debra S. Fleming, of the Pasco County research firm Ancestor Dective, LLC, spoke on "Census Analysis - Using Pre-1850 Census Reports."
Debra S. Fleming has been a practicing genealogist for nine years. She is the Genealogy Instructor for the University of South Florida OSHER Lifelong Learning Center where she has been teaching Genealogy Courses since early 2007. She is a graduate of Florida State University, where she majored in Creative Writing and minored in her passion, Religion and has attended the Institute of Genealogy and Historical Research (IGHR). She is currently a member of the Genealogical Speakers Guild (GSG), The Association of Professional Genealogists (
APG) and the International Society of Family History Writers and Editors (ISFHWE). You can learn more about Debra S. Fleming at