Quarterly Newsletter of the Florida Chapter of the Association of Professional Genealogists

Friday, March 19, 2010

03 July 2007

Gathering of the Chapters: Tossing out the APG logo

Do you know that APG chapters network amongst themselves? It's one way chapters learn first hand what our international leaders are thinking and where they learn what other chapters are doing that works. Here is a report by our own Ann Staley of the last Gathering of the Chapters. One interesting development is the changes ahead for the APG and Chapter logos.

The Association of Professional Genealogists (APG) Gathering of the Chapters took place on Wednesday, 16 May 2007, at the National Genealogical Society 2007 Conference in the States held in Richmond, VA.

The Gathering was well attended and produced much lively discussion.

Sharon Tate Moody, President of the APG, started the meeting with some announcements. Among them were:

Group Exemption Letter - The APG is paying the fee to acquire a "Group Exemption" for all of the Chapters. IRS publication 557 provides more information. Basically, the Chapters will get an ID number and will be tax exempt from the "parent" APG. If a Chapter has an ID number already, they just need to provide the number to APG. One form will need to be filled out annually and provided to the Executive Director.

Chapter Handbook - The Chapter Handbook is in draft format and has made it through an Executive Committee review. It is meant to be a tool (guideline) for effective chapter management; not a "rule" book. It has been divided into 5 parts:
1. About APG - background information; code of ethics; etc.
2. Chapter Organization and Management - Chapter Liaisons; Chapter Representatives; etc.
3. Forming a New Chapter - Bylaws; Meetings; Responsibilities; Committees; Deactivation; etc.
4. Strategies for a Successful Chapter - [could not write fast enough ]
5. Chapter Management Tools - Stationery; Websites; Member Information Letter; etc.

Use of Chapter Logos - The APG is looking at the use of the APG Logo and Chapter Logos and the requirements for their use. They do not want to discourage the use of Chapter creativity and individuality but there needs to be some type of consistency and professionalism. Sharon stated the she thinks the Executive Committee has come up with a solution, but will need to wait for APG Board approval before being able to make full disclosure. As soon as the matter is discussed and voted on, she will let the Chapters know more.

Each Chapter was then asked to provide what they have done since Chicago, projects they are working on, problems with no known solution, and what's on your mind. For the Florida Chapter we provided information on:

a. Our use of four meetings around the state with preplanned dates for the whole year. We also noted that we try to meet at libraries and/or repositories and arrange tours of the same to familiarize ourselves of the many research opportunities in the state.

b. Our teaming with the Florida State Genealogical Society (FSGS) to provide an Ancestor Roadshow for the FSGS Annual Conference.

c. Our problem of getting more members to join and the logistical problems of the state.

d. Our desire to provide the APG with a position paper on "Records Access and Identity Theft."

All-in-all, the meeting was very productive and informative.

Ann Staley

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Addendum to the report:

On 20 May 2007, Sharon Tate Moody, President of APG, sent out the results of the Board meeting in regard to the use of Logos.

She wrote:
"After 17 years of using the same logo (which many do not find attractive and is very difficult to display in a variety of media) the EC voted to scrap the current logo and develop a new one. A graphic designer from Texas has agreed to discuss concepts and need with the EC. She then will develop several concepts and present them to us for selection.

Our intent is to specifically develop a logo which can stand alone as the organization logo and also have a graphically coordinated attachment which shows “member” or “chapter.” Our intent is that the chapter logo will have an overall general appearance with place for chapters to add an individualized identifier. I am attaching a page of examples to better illustrate this to those of you who (like me) have to visualize concepts rather than read about them. [EDITOR'S NOTE: This attachment is not included here. It shows examples where a chapter's name and logo or just a chapter's name, as a separate design, could be placed directly below the APG parent group's logo, which was not previously permittted.] The slate is blank as to how the logo will be designed. We all will await to see what the graphic designer produces for us."

--Prepared by Ann Staley